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The Wire Belt team celebrate success with the Keiba 2015 Award

Through our commitment to sustainability and manufacturing, 2015 has been a successful year for Wire Belt achieving a number of awards, KEiBA (Kent Excellence in Business) Manufacturing Business of the Year, PPMA (Processing & Packaging Machinery Association) Sustainability Award and just recently EEF The manufacturer’s organisation, Environmental Efficiency Award for the South East Region.

Gary Allen, commercial director said ‘We are proud of our staff and these awards are down to their hard work and dedication, we are delighted to have won these prestigious awards.  Not only does it demonstrate the valuable contribution made by local manufacturers like ourselves, but it also puts us on the map as a modern and innovative company.’

Wire Belt has been addressing the issues of its environmental impact, energy consumption, waste reduction, and recycling and lifecycle impact of its products for a number of years now.  Our aim is to become energy neutral, improve efficiency and take greater control of our costs.  We have undertaken initiatives to achieve our over-arching energy neutral goal for the end of 2015;

Investment in solar energy to reduce environmental impact and energy costs.  Wire belt began monitoring PV Technology and electricity generation in 2008.  An acredited installer was appointed in 2011 (phase 1) and 2015  (phase 2).  The solar panel installation will have a guaranteed generation period of 25 years and will provide approximately 80 to 90% of our electricity requirements. 

Product refurbishment to offer refurbished filter belts as a sustainable way to reduce the lifecycle impact of our products, encouraging the customer to recycle rather than dispose of old belts. 

Waste reduction our challenge is to cut down on the amount of factory and office waste through recycling and finding alternative uses for our waste. Wire Belt achieved zero waste to landfill from the 1st January 2013.

LED lighting trials have been carried out in the production area, which resulted in reductions in energy consumption and subsequently the installation went ahead.

 At Wire Belt we value our resources and don’t just talk about sustainability and good environmental practices, we put them into action to benefit the company, our employees, the wider locality and the planet – as can be seen in the our ongoing projects outlined above.